/* * jQuery ah-placeholder plugin 1.2 * * https://github.com/ahomu/jquery.ah-placeholder * http://havelog.ayumusato.com/develop/javascript/e189-jquery-plugin-placeholder.html * * Copyright (c) 2011 Ayumu Sato ( http://havelog.ayumusato.com ) * * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses: * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html */ (function($) { $.fn.ahPlaceholder = function(options) { // property var defaults = { placeholderColor : 'silver', placeholderAttr : 'title', likeApple : false }, settings = $.extend({}, defaults, options); var ngCode = [ ' ', // -------------- '0', // ??? '9', // tab '16', // shift '17', // ctrl '32', // space '27', // esc '37', // left '38', // up '39', // right '40', // down '91', // Cmd(L), Win(L) '92', // Win(R) '93', // Cmd(R) '112',// F1 '113',// F2 '114',// F3 '115',// F4 '116',// F5 '117',// F6 '118',// F7 '119',// F8 '120',// F9 '121',// F10 '122',// F11 '123',// F12 ' ' // --------------- ].join('@'), keyCatch = (function(){ if ( document.all ) { return function(e){return e.keyCode;}; } else if ( document.getElementById ) { return function(e){return (e.keyCode)? e.keyCode: e.charCode;}; } else if ( document.layers ) { return function(e){return e.which;}; } })(); // method var init = function() { // placeholderが有効なら処理を必要としないので終了 if ( settings.placeholderAttr === 'placeholder' && ('placeholder' in document.createElement('input')) ) { return; } $.data(this, 'placeholder-string', $(this).attr(settings.placeholderAttr)); $.data(this, 'placeholder-color', $(this).css('color')); var phString = $.data(this, 'placeholder-string'), self = this, $self = $(this); if ( self.value === '' ) { self.value = phString; } if ( self.value === phString ) { $self.css('color', settings.placeholderColor); } if ( settings.likeApple === true ) { $self.bind('mousedown', moveCursorToHead); $self.bind('keydown', onKeydown); $self.bind('keyup', resetPlaceholder); } else { $self.bind('focus', onFocus); $self.bind('blur', resetPlaceholder); } $self.closest('form').submit(function() { if ( self.value === $.data(self, 'placeholder-string') ) { self.value = ''; } return true; }); }, onKeydown = function(e) { if ( this.value === $.data(this, 'placeholder-string') ) { var key = keyCatch(e); if ( ngCode.indexOf('@'+key+'@') !== -1 ) { // tabの入力は認める return ( key === 9 ); } else { _clearPlaceholder(this); } } }, onFocus = function() { if ( this.value === $.data(this, 'placeholder-string') ) { _clearPlaceholder(this); } }, resetPlaceholder = function(e) { if ( this.value === '' ) { _setPlaceholder(this); if ( e.type === 'keyup' ) { moveCursorToHead.apply(this); } } }, moveCursorToHead = function() { if ( this.value === $.data(this, 'placeholder-string') ) { $(this).focus(); if ( this.createTextRange ) { var range = this.createTextRange(); range.collapse(); range.moveEnd('character', 0); range.moveStart('character', 0); setTimeout(function() { range.select(); }, 17); } else if ( this.setSelectionRange ) { this.setSelectionRange(0, 0); } return false; } }, _setPlaceholder = function(self) { self.value = $.data(self, 'placeholder-string'); $(self).css('color', settings.placeholderColor); }, _clearPlaceholder = function(self) { self.value = ''; $(self).css('color', $.data(self, 'placeholder-color')); }; // construct this.each(function() { init.apply(this); }); return this; }; })(jQuery);